Family cafés (perhekahvila)

Family Café is open to all families with children. Family café is open for recreation and socializing with other children and parents. Children have an opportunity to play with each other. Family Café is hosted by Mannerheimin Lastensuojeluliiton Lappeenrannan yhdistys (local association). Our values include appreciation of childhood, joint responsibility, humanity and equality.  Cooperation is our main method and we act with joy. Participating in activities is free of charge.  Spoken languages are Finnish and English.


Family cafés are open

Yhteisötalo family café on Mondays 5-6.30pm
(Raastuvankatu 7

Yhteisötalo family café for expecting families and families with babies on Tuesday 1-3pm
(Raastuvankatu 7

Sammonlahti family café on Wednesday 9-11am
(Hietakallionkatu 7

Pikku-Tirikka family café on Friday 9-11am
 (Armilankatu 33 A) Entrance from the Juvakka field side

**** Family cafés are closed during school holidays ****


You are warmly welcome!